Media Links Best
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This page features one of Media Links own artists. A few samples of their artwork are displayed to really show what Media Link is all about.

This month's featured artist is Jeffrey Goodsell. Jeffrey lives in Alabama and by his own admission has more than 3 teeth. Jeffrey is one of the more talented computer artists I know. What makes his art unique is his "peculiar" sense of humor and his biting satire. His "Manson Family Circus" series is a good example.

Visiting his Squirrelnutz website is a must to get some true insight into Jeffrey's psyche. Sigmund Freud where are you? I think Demi has been pumping iron!

evilsquirrelznutz.gif - 33.0 K
demi1.jpg - 13.6 K

What is wrong with this picture? The graphics are superb. It must be something about the theme....

higher.jpg - 36.4 K

Jeffrey has his lighter side. He has created one my favorite computer people in "Stickboy". Media Link is lucky to have him as a member.

stickboy.jpg - 37.7 K

Check out Jeffrey's site for a true visit to the "Dark Side".

Jeffrey Goodsell's Web Page

For access to member's pages with awesome graphics...The Works

Media Link's Main Page...Media Link's main page and directory

Number of accesses since October 15th, 1996